Sunday, October 24, 2010

What I Can Do To Make A Difference

To me, making a difference sounds like a lot of work, time, and effort, but I always forget about the simple things that everyone can do every day. At home and at school I make sure to recycle as much as I can, so I would like to focus on that as the main thing I do this week. Recycling has such a positive impact on our planet, but I see people all the time who are too lazy to walk an extra ten steps to the recycling bin, so their plastics, foil, or paper, end up in the garbage. I can't complain at people, I've done this too, but this week I want to make an effort to make sure that not only my recycling, but my friends' recycling also ends up where it should be, and not in the garbage. I think this is something that is super important and that more people should be aware of, because the little pieces all add up, and not everything is biodegradable. So, recycling is going to be a big part of my plan for the week, and hopefully I will remain aware of its importance for even longer.

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