Sunday, October 24, 2010

Making A Difference PLAN!

My plan for this week is going to revolve primarily around recycling, because it is something that I can do all week long and that I think is very important. However, I am also interested in the slave-free chocolate idea, as well as writing to the editor of an article on environmental issues. So, starting on Monday, October 25th, and going until Sunday, October 31st, I am going to recycle as much as I possibly can, and work hard to make sure my family and friends do so too. I think that asking a store if they carry slave-free chocolate or coffee is a great idea, I think it would show them that customers are interested in where products come from, not just that they're there to buy. It also sounds like fun, so I will probably do it on Saturday, October 30th, with a friend if possible. Because it is so close to Halloween, many stores will be carrying chocolate, so it will be a good day to ask. I also plan on purchasing a bar of slave-free chocolate next Sunday, October 31st, at church, where they sell slave-free coffee and chocolate after the service. Writing a letter to the editor of an environmental article would also be fun, so I would probably try to find a good article on Tuesday, October 26th, after school, and write to the editor about some of the issues they are addressing by Thursday, October 28th. There are also two things that I am proud to have done already: in 2007 my family planted a tree, and several weeks ago I volunteered at a soup kitchen, so I'm happy to have done that and would love to do so again sometime. I hope all goes according to plan this week, and I am able to contribute as much as possible to the health of our environment.

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